A lion has transitioned into an ancestor – John Lewis is Dead

The Congressional Black Caucus released the following statement on the passing of House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman and Congressional Black Caucus Member, Congressman John R. Lewis (GA-05):
The world has lost a legend; the civil rights movement has lost an icon, the City of Atlanta has lost one of its most fearless leaders, and the Congressional Black Caucus has lost our longest serving member. The Congressional Black Caucus is known as the Conscience of the Congress. John Lewis was known as the conscience of our caucus. A fighter for justice until the end, Mr. Lewis recently visited Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington DC. His mere presence encouraged a new generation of activist to “speak up and speak out” and get into “good trouble” to continue bending the arc toward justice and freedom.
The City of Atlanta has lost one of its most fearless leaders. Congressman John Lewis spent his life fighting racism and injustice wherever he confronted it, from boycotts, sit-ins, and other protests in the streets, to championing bold, progressive policies in Congress. Mr. Lewis was born and raised in Troy, Alabama, a segregated town of the Deep South. At an early age, he was inspired by the non-violent activism of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his leadership of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This passion drove Mr. Lewis to dedicate himself and his life to the Civil Rights Movement.
As a student at Fisk University, Mr. Lewis was a part of the Nashville Student Movement and helped organize sit-ins that eventually led to the desegregation of the lunch counters in Downtown Nashville. In 1961, he became one of the 13 original Freedom Riders, an integrated group determined to ride from Washington, DC to New Orleans. In 1963, he became the Chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), an organization he helped form.
As Chair of SNCC, John Lewis was one of the “Big 6” leaders of the historical March on Washington on August, 28, 1963, and was the youngest speaker to address the hundreds of thousands marching for jobs and freedom that day. He also played a key role in the marches from Selma to Montgomery, a campaign against the blatant voter suppression of Black citizens. He joined Hosea Williams and hundreds of civil rights marchers to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge on “Bloody Sunday” and suffered a fractured skull that day for the right of Black people to register and vote.
For 34 years, Mr. Lewis served Georgia’s 5th district and our country with the same burning desire to ensure America’s promises were accessible to all. He never hesitated to tell the truth about this nation’s history and injustices. In his very first Congress, John Lewis introduced a bill to create an African American history museum in Washington, DC, but the bill was blocked by Senator Jesse Helms for 15 years. But Mr. Lewis persisted, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture opened in 2016 and is by far the most popular museum on the National Mall.
In 2012, John Lewis unveiled a marker in Emancipation Hall commemorating the contributions of enslaved Americans to the construction of the United States Capitol. The marker was the result of literally a decade of work by a special task force led by Mr. Lewis after a bill was found in the National Archives documenting payment for slaves to build the Capitol. Congressman Lewis commented at the unveiling:
“When I walk through Statuary Hall, it means a great deal to me to know that the unusual grey marble columns were likely hewn and polished by slaves in Maryland. They quarried the stone in Maryland and sailed ships or barges many miles down the Potomac River weighed down by heavy marble columns to bring them to DC. Somehow, they carried them several miles through the streets perhaps using wagons and mules or horses, and then hoisted them up so they are standing as we see them today in the Capitol. The bronze statue sitting on top of the Capitol dome also involved the contribution of slaves. These men and woman played a powerful role in our history and that must not be forgotten.”
Legislatively, Mr. Lewis championed the Voter Empowerment Act, which would modernize registration and voting in America and increase access to the ballot. He was also an ardent advocate for immigrants, the LGBTQ community, and affordable health care for all. As Chair of the Oversight Subcommittee on the House Ways and Means Committee, Mr. Lewis helped ensure the efficient implementation of laws related to tax, trade, health, Human Resources, and Social Security. He examined how the tax code subsidizes hate groups and the public health impact of gun violence. Most recently, Mr. Lewis pressed the Trump Administration to quickly deliver the stimulus checks that Congress provided in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mr. Lewis continued his practice of nonviolent protest, community organizing, and grassroots activism throughout his tenure in Congress. In 2011, President Barack Obama awarded Mr. Lewis the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States of America. Following the Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016, John Lewis led Democrats in a 26-hour sit-in on the House floor to demand that the body debate gun control measures. Every year, he led a pilgrimage to Selma to commemorate the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Even his recent health challenges could not keep him from commemorating the 55th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” this year.
Despite more than 40 arrests, brutal attacks, and physical injuries, Mr. Lewis remained devoted to the philosophy of nonviolence in his fight for justice and equality, even to this day, as America faces another reckoning with racism and hundreds of thousands around the world spark a modern-day civil rights movement against police brutality and racial injustice. He taught us to keep our eye on the prize, and that lesson is more crucial than ever. We will keep our eye on the prize of social justice, voting rights, quality education, affordable health care, and economic empowerment for every soul.
The entire Congressional Black Caucus extends our condolences to Mr. Lewis’ family, friends, staff, and the city of Atlanta.

CBC Engagement: Since 1971, Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) have been called the “Conscience of the Congress,” uplifting the voices of the voiceless and fighting for the most vulnerable among us. The CBC collectively represents 82 million Americans, including over 17 million African Americans. Many of whom are concerned about how the Trump Administration will impact their daily lives but maybe should be concerned about the lack of impact their CBC representative has.
The CBC is working every day to uplift these concerns and hold both Congress and this Administration accountable. On the Hill, the CBC is hosting briefings, forums, and roundtables to provide a platform for the issues most important in our communities. Off the Hill, CBC is engaging people where they are by hosting events outside the beltway that address problems in our communities and bring resources that make them better places to live and work. Whether on or off the Hill, the CBC says they will prioritize outreach to marginalized communities by:
- Engaging communities in constructive dialogue;
- Informing citizens of how they are impacted by actions, and inactions, in Congress and the Trump Administration; and
- Mobilizing the next generation of Black Leaders.
For the 116th Congress, the CBC started with a historic 55 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, representing more than 82 million Americans, 25.3 percent of the total U.S. population, and more than 17 million African-Americans, 41 percent of the total U.S. African-American population. One member, of the Seventh Congressional District of Maryland, has died, Elijah F. Cummings, on October 17, 2019.
In addition, the CBC represents almost a fourth of the House Democratic Caucus.
The CBC is engaged at the highest levels of Congress with members who serve in House leadership. Representative James E. Clyburn (D-SC) serves as the Majority Whip in the House of Representatives, Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) serves as Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus and Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) serves as co-chair of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee.
In addition, four CBC members serve as chairs on full House committees, and 20 CBC members serve as chairs on House subcommittees.
Subcommittee Chairs
Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit | David Scott (D-GA) |
Nutrition, Oversight and Department Operations | Marcia Fudge (D-OH) |
Subcommittee Chairs
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies | Sanford Bishop (D-GA) |
Chair Bobby Scott (D-VA)
Subcommittee Chairs
Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions | Frederica Wilson (D-FL) |
Workforce Protections | Alma Adams (D-NC) |
Subcommittee Chairs
Energy | Bobby Rush (D-IL) |
Chair Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Subcommittee Chairs
Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions | Gregory Meeks (D-NY) |
Diversity and Inclusion | Joyce Beatty (D-OH) |
Housing, Community Development and Insurance | Lacy Clay (D-MO) |
National Security, International Development and Monetary Policy | Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) |
Oversight and Investigations | Al Green (D-TX) |
Subcommittee Chair
Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations | Karen Bass (D-CA) |
Chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS)
Subcommittee Chairs
Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Innovation | Cedric Richmond (D-LA) |
Subcommittee Chair
Elections | Marcia Fudge (D-OH) |
Subcommittee Chairs
Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet | Hank Johnson (D-GA) |
Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security | Karen Bass (D-CA) |
Subcommittee Chair
Legislative and Budget Process | Alcee Hastings (D-FL) |
Chair Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
Transportation and Infrastructure
Subcommittee Chair
Highways and Transit | Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) |
Subcommittee Chair
Oversight | John Lewis (D-GA) (died 7/17/2020) |
Worker and Family Support | Danny Davis (D-IL) |
While the CBC has predominately been made up of members of the Democratic Party, the founding members of the caucus envisioned a non-partisan organization. Consequently, the CBC has a long history of bipartisan collaboration and members who are both Democrat and Republican.
As founding member Rep. William L. Clay, Sr. said when the CBC was established, “Black people have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies…just permanent interests.”

Economic Empowerment: The CBC states that it is, “committed to advancing Black families in the 21st Century. To do so, we must address the economic disparities that have plagued our communities for generations and create opportunities that lift all Americans out of poverty and into the middle class and beyond. Unfortunately, the racial wage and wealth gaps in America are worsening. That is why the CBC supports policies that strengthen protections for workers and expand Black entrepreneurship and business development. Investing in economic development benefits entrepreneurs and workers alike, as well as communities at large. The CBC will fight for economic justice for disadvantaged businesses and the workers they employ.“
Below is their 2018 report.
To advance Black families in the 21st century.
(a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “Jobs and Justice Act of 2018”.
(b) Table Of Contents.—The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents; findings.
Sec. 1001. Submission of data relating to diversity by certain contractors.
Sec. 1002. Submission of data relating to diversity by issuers.
Sec. 1003. Sense of Congress on infrastructure spending.
Sec. 1004. Sense of Congress on infrastructure workforce development.
Sec. 1005. Qualification of rehabilitation expenditures for public school buildings for rehabilitation credit.
Sec. 1006. Supplemental appropriation for the drinking water State revolving funds.
Sec. 1007. Highway projects.
Sec. 1008. Public transportation projects.
Sec. 1009. Establishment of performance measures for transportation accessibility.
Sec. 1010. Supplemental appropriation for TIGER discretionary grant program.
Sec. 1011. Definitions.
Sec. 1012. Purpose and reservation.
Sec. 1013. Allocation to States.
Sec. 1014. Need-based grants to qualified local educational agencies.
Sec. 1015. Annual report on grant program.
Sec. 1016. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1017. School infrastructure bonds.
Sec. 1018. Expansion of qualified zone academy bonds.
Sec. 1019. Annual report on bond program.
Sec. 1020. Allowable uses of funds.
Sec. 1021. Prohibited uses.
Sec. 1022. Green practices.
Sec. 1023. Use of American iron, steel, and manufactured products.
Sec. 1024. Comptroller General report.
Sec. 1025. Study and report physical condition of public schools.
Sec. 1026. Development of data standards.
Sec. 1027. Information clearinghouse.
Sec. 1028. Temporary increase in funding for impact aid construction.
Sec. 1201. Definitions.
Sec. 1202. Community Resilience Grant Program.
Sec. 1203. National Research Center for Resilience.
Sec. 1204. Annual programs report.
Sec. 1205. GAO reports.
Sec. 1206. Funding.
Sec. 2001. Allocation of funds for assistance in persistent poverty counties.
Sec. 2002. Sense of the Congress.
Sec. 2003. Findings.
Sec. 2004. Definitions.
Sec. 2005. Applications.
Sec. 2006. Demonstration authority; annual grants.
Sec. 2007. Reserve fund.
Sec. 2008. Eligibility for participation.
Sec. 2009. Deposits by qualified entities.
Sec. 2010. Regulations.
Sec. 2011. Annual progress reports.
Sec. 2012. Sanctions.
Sec. 2013. Evaluations.
Sec. 2014. Costs of training qualified entities.
Sec. 2015. Waiver authority.
Sec. 2016. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 2017. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 2018. General effective date.
Sec. 2019. Low-income sewer and water assistance pilot program.
Sec. 3001. Job skills training for older individuals.
Sec. 3002. Extension of work opportunity tax credit for certain targeted groups.
Sec. 3003. Youth and summer jobs.
Sec. 3004. YouthBuild program.
Sec. 3005. Tax credit for providing programs for students that promote economic and financial literacy.
Sec. 3006. Teacher recruiting.
Sec. 3007. Recidivism reduction working group.
Sec. 3008. Commendable release program.
Sec. 3009. Increase in work opportunity tax credit for hiring qualified ex-felons.
Sec. 3010. Entrepreneurship apprenticeships.
Sec. 3011. Expansion of eligible programs.
Sec. 3012. Model standards and guidelines for credentialing environmental health workers.
Sec. 3013. Environmental health workforce development plan.
Sec. 3014. Environmental health workforce development report.
Sec. 3015. Public service loan forgiveness.
Sec. 3016. Definitions.
Sec. 3017. Grants to prepare girls and underrepresented minorities.
Sec. 3018. GAO study.
Sec. 3019. Contents of study.
Sec. 3020. Report.
Sec. 3021. Grants to units of general local government.
Sec. 3022. Back to Basics Job Creation grant program.
Sec. 3023. Grants for provision of transition assistance to members of the Armed Forces recently separated from active duty service.
Sec. 3024. Credit for employees participating in qualified apprenticeship programs.
Sec. 3025. Findings.
Sec. 3026. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 3027. Reservation of funds for administrative and other purposes.
Sec. 3028. Summer employment opportunities for at-risk youth.
Sec. 3029. Year-round employment for opportunity youth.
Sec. 3030. Connecting-for-opportunities competitive grant program.
Sec. 3031. Labor standards.
Sec. 3032. Privacy.
Sec. 3033. Innovation and learning.
Sec. 3034. Evaluation and reports.
Sec. 3035. Definitions.
Sec. 3036. Minimum wage increases.
Sec. 3037. Tipped employees.
Sec. 3038. Newly hired employees who are less than 20 years old.
Sec. 3039. Publication of notice.
Sec. 3040. Promoting economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.
Sec. 3041. General effective date.
Sec. 3042. Prohibitions relating to prospective employees’ salary and benefit history.
Sec. 3043. Private right of action under the National Labor Relations Act.
Sec. 3044. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 3045. Urging employment, on-the-job training, and apprenticeships for unemployed African-American young men in rebuilding the Nation’s crumbling infrastructure.
Sec. 3046. Sense of Congress.
Sec. 3047. Increase in research credit for contracted research with United States businesses.
Sec. 3048. Homeland Security cybersecurity workforce; personnel authorities.
Sec. 3049. Protecting Social Security, railroad retirement, and black lung benefits from administrative offset.
Sec. 3050. Expansion of authority for noncompetitive appointments of military spouses by Federal agencies.
Sec. 3051. Report on mechanisms to increase participation in Department of Defense contracts of firms with programs to employ military spouses.
Sec. 3052. Improvement of education and career opportunities programs for military spouses.
Sec. 3053. Military family childcare matters.
Sec. 3054. Expansion of period of availability of Military OneSource program for retired and discharged members of the Armed Forces and their immediate families.
Sec. 3055. Transition assistance for military spouses.
Sec. 3056. Public-private partnerships on health, safety, welfare, and morale of military families.
Sec. 3057. Small business activities of military spouses on military installations.
Sec. 3058. Report on assessment of frequency of permanent changes of station of members of the Armed Forces on employment among military spouses.
Sec. 4001. Study on the uninsured.
Sec. 4002. Volunteer dental projects and action for dental health program.
Sec. 4003. Critical access hospital improvements.
Sec. 4004. Community health center collaborative access expansion.
Sec. 4005. Improving opportunity diaper distribution demonstration project.
Sec. 4006. Findings.
Sec. 4007. Findings.
Sec. 4008. Expanding research and education with respect to endometrial cancer.
Sec. 5001. Direct loans to small business concerns.
Sec. 5002. Pilot program to fund local incubators.
Sec. 5003. Funding for organizations that support startup businesses.
Sec. 5004. Expanding broadcast ownership opportunities.
Sec. 5005. Permanent increase of limitation on deduction for start-up and organizational expenditures.
Sec. 5006. Veteran small business start-up credit.
Sec. 5007. Inspector General report on participation in FAA programs by disadvantaged small business concerns.
Sec. 5008. Minority and disadvantaged business participation.
Sec. 5009. Passenger facility charges.
Sec. 5010. Annual tracking of certain new firms at airports with a disadvantaged business enterprise program.
Sec. 5011. Audits.
Sec. 5012. Prompt payments.
Sec. 5013. Expansion of credit for expenditures to provide access to disabled individuals.
Sec. 5014. Reporting requirements for certain small business concerns.
Sec. 6001. Economic growth, retention, and recruitment of commercial investment in economically underserved communities.
Sec. 6002. Minority Bank Deposit Program.
Sec. 6003. Reporting certain positive consumer credit information to consumer reporting agencies.
Sec. 6004. Gender and racial and ethnic diversity in appointing Federal Reserve bank presidents.
Sec. 6005. Allocations under new markets tax credit made more competitive.
Sec. 6006. Extension and improvement of new markets tax credit.
Sec. 7001. Sense of Congress regarding the right of all renters to a safe, affordable, and decent home.
Sec. 7101. Congressional findings.
Sec. 7102. Emergency relief funding.
Sec. 7103. Housing Trust Fund.
Sec. 7104. Technical assistance funds to help States and local organizations align health and housing systems.
Sec. 7105. Permanent authorization of appropriations for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act grants.
Sec. 7106. Permanent extension of United States Interagency Council on Homelessness.
Sec. 7107. Emergency designation.
Sec. 7201. Tenant blacklisting.
Sec. 7202. Capital Fund amounts for large public housing agencies.
Sec. 7203. Assistance to NeighborWorks for mortgage foreclosure mitigation activities.
Sec. 7204. Incremental housing choice voucher assistance.
Sec. 7205. Extension of pilot program.
Sec. 7301. Discount on mortgage insurance premium payments for first-time homebuyers who complete financial literacy housing counseling programs.
Sec. 7302. Young Americans financial literacy.
Sec. 7303. Office for Under-Banked and Un-Banked Consumers.
Sec. 7401. Testing for discrimination.
Sec. 7402. Increase in funding for the Fair Housing Initiatives Program.
Sec. 7403. Sense of Congress.
Sec. 7404. Grants to private entities to study housing discrimination.
Sec. 7405. Limitation on use of funds.
Sec. 8001. Purpose.
Sec. 8002. Definitions.
Sec. 8011. Program authorized.
Sec. 8012. Eligible entities.
Sec. 8013. Application requirements.
Sec. 8014. Use of funds.
Sec. 8015. Report and publicly available data.
Sec. 8016. Accountability.
Sec. 8021. Planning grants.
Sec. 8022. Evaluation.
Sec. 8023. National activities.
Sec. 8024. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 8031. Definitions.
Sec. 8032. Grants to States, local educational agencies, and eligible Tribal schools.
Sec. 8033. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 8041. Grants authorized.
Sec. 8101. Purpose.
Sec. 8111. In general.
Sec. 8112. Federal share; non-Federal share.
Sec. 8113. Eligibility.
Sec. 8114. Applications.
Sec. 8115. Allowable uses of funds.
Sec. 8116. Definitions.
Sec. 8117. Appropriations.
Sec. 8121. Pathways to student success for historically black colleges and universities.
Sec. 8122. Pathways to student success for Hispanic-serving institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institutions, tribal colleges and universities, Alaska Native-serving institutions, Native Hawaiian-serving institutions, predominantly Black institutions, and Native American-serving nontribal institutions.
Sec. 8123. Definitions.
Sec. 8124. Appropriations.
Sec. 8201. Early College Federal Pell Grant.
Sec. 8205. Funding Federal Pell Grants through mandatory funding.
Sec. 8211. Applicable rate of interest for PLUS loans.
Sec. 8212. Elimination of origination fee for Parent PLUS loans.
Sec. 8213. Counseling for Parent PLUS borrowers.
Sec. 8214. Inclusion of Parent PLUS loans in income-contingent and income-based repayment plans.
Sec. 8221. Establishment of America RISING program.
Sec. 8231. Office of Cybersecurity Education and Awareness.
Sec. 8232. Science and technology initiative grants.
Sec. 8233. Project-based learning program.
Sec. 8234. Matching funds for State and privately financed science and technology after-school programs.
Sec. 8235. Science and Technology Board of Advisors.
Sec. 8236. Laboratories for science and technology excellence.
Sec. 8237. Computing and Information Research Working Group.
Sec. 8238. Process for adoption research and a best practices voluntary guidelines for laboratory facilities.
Sec. 8239. Computing and information security mentoring programs for college students.
Sec. 8240. Grants for computer equipment.
Sec. 8241. Centers of Academic Computing and Information Assurance.
Sec. 8242. Lifelong learning in computer and information security study.
Sec. 8243. Computer and information security job opportunities program.
Sec. 8244. Department of Homeland Security cybersecurity training programs and equipment.
Sec. 8245. E-Security Fellows Program.
Sec. 8246. National Science Foundation study on science and technology student retention.
Sec. 8247. Challenge Grants.
Sec. 8248. E-Security Fellows Program.
Sec. 8251. Eligibility of students to participate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
Sec. 8261. Hate crime prevention and response.
Sec. 8262. Clery Act amendments.
Sec. 8263. Program participation agreements.
Sec. 8264. Accrediting agency recognition.
Sec. 8301. Bond insurance.
Sec. 8302. Strengthening technical assistance.
Sec. 8303. HBCU Capital Financing Advisory Board.
Sec. 8401. Transition-to-Success Mentoring Program.
Sec. 8402. Table of contents.
Sec. 8501. Restoration of right to civil action in disparate impact cases under title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Sec. 8502. Designation of monitors under title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Sec. 8503. Special Assistant for Equity and Inclusion.
Sec. 1001. Definitions.
Sec. 1002. Prohibition.
Sec. 1003. Enforcement.
Sec. 1004. Policies to eliminate racial profiling.
Sec. 1005. Policies required for grants.
Sec. 1006. Involvement of Attorney General.
Sec. 1007. Data collection demonstration project.
Sec. 1008. Best practices development grants.
Sec. 1009. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1010. Attorney General to issue regulations.
Sec. 1011. Publication of data.
Sec. 1012. Limitations on publication of data.
Sec. 1013. Attorney General to issue regulations and reports.
Sec. 1014. Severability.
Sec. 1015. Savings clause.
Sec. 1016. Body-worn camera grants.
Sec. 1017. Study on the cost of the purchase and use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement agencies.
Sec. 1018. Establishment of task force on community policing and body camera accountability.
Sec. 1019. GAO report on Pentagon’s 1033 Program.
Sec. 1020. Findings.
Sec. 1021. Use of body cameras by certain ICE officers.
Sec. 1022. Recordings to be provided to certain persons.
Sec. 1023. Withholding of certain funds.
Sec. 1024. Accreditation of law enforcement agencies.
Sec. 1025. Definitions.
Sec. 1026. Law enforcement grants.
Sec. 1027. Attorney General to conduct study.
Sec. 1028. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1029. National Task Force on Law Enforcement Oversight.
Sec. 1030. Federal data collection on law enforcement practices.
Sec. 1031. Medallions for fallen law enforcement officers.
Sec. 1032. Training on de-escalation for law enforcement.
Sec. 1033. Data collection.
Sec. 1034. Affirmative duty to use de-escalation tactics when available.
Sec. 1035. Attorney General guidance.
Sec. 1036. In general.
Sec. 1037. Findings.
Sec. 1038. Use of COPS grant funds to hire law enforcement officers who are residents of the communities they serve.
Sec. 1039. Definitions.
Sec. 1040. Use of force reporting.
Sec. 1041. Community and law enforcement partnership grant program.
Sec. 1042. Compliance with reporting requirements.
Sec. 1043. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1044. Findings.
Sec. 1045. Limitation on Department of Defense transfer of personal property to local law enforcement agencies.
Sec. 1046. Findings.
Sec. 1047. Task force to assist Federal officials in determining appropriateness of items for use by law enforcement.
Sec. 1048. Urban Areas Security Initiative and State Homeland Security grant program.
Sec. 1049. Modification of authority to transfer Department of Defense property for law enforcement activities.
Sec. 1050. Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants.
Sec. 1051. Department of Justice reports on SWAT teams.
Sec. 1052. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center certification of instructors in training on use of force and special equipment.
Sec. 1053. Civil action by Attorney General.
Sec. 1054. Annual reporting requirement.
Sec. 1055. Grants to educate Americans about the principles and practice of nonviolence.
Sec. 1056. Limitation on use of funds.
Sec. 1057. Findings.
Sec. 1058. Eligibility for grants under the Byrne JAG Program.
Sec. 1059. Prohibition of money bail in Federal criminal cases.
Sec. 1060. Reduction in grant funding for units of local government.
Sec. 1061. Exemptions.
Sec. 1062. Waivers.
Sec. 2001. Clarification of right to counsel.
Sec. 2002. Treatment of individuals held or detained at ports of entry or at any CBP or ICE detention facility.
Sec. 2003. Duty to disclose favorable information.
Sec. 2004. Technical and conforming amendments.
Sec. 3001. De-scheduling marihuana.
Sec. 3002. Community Reinvestment Fund.
Sec. 3003. Findings; sense of Congress.
Sec. 3004. Limitation on receipt of Byrne grant funds and other Department of Justice law enforcement assistance.
Sec. 3005. Collection of data.
Sec. 4001. Findings.
Sec. 4002. Commission establishment and membership.
Sec. 4003. Other matters relating to appointment; removal.
Sec. 4004. Leadership election.
Sec. 4005. Commission duties and powers.
Sec. 4006. Commission meeting requirements.
Sec. 4007. Annual report guidelines.
Sec. 4008. Commission compensation.
Sec. 5001. Treatment of primary caretaker parents and other individuals in Federal prisons.
Sec. 5002. Overnight visit pilot program.
Sec. 6001. Findings.
Sec. 6002. Approval of certain prosecutions by Attorney General.
Sec. 6003. Modification of certain sentencing provisions.
Sec. 6004. Eligibility for resentencing based on changes in law.
Sec. 6005. Directives to the Sentencing Commission.
Sec. 6006. Exclusion of acquitted conduct and discretion to disregard manipulated conduct from consideration during sentencing.
Sec. 6007. Amendments to enhanced penalties provision.
Sec. 6008. Ability to petition for release to extended supervision for certain prisoners who are medically incapacitated, geriatric, or caregiver parents of minor children and who do not pose public safety risks.
Sec. 7001. Repeal of Federal laws providing for the death penalty.
Sec. 7002. Prohibition on imposition of death sentence.
Sec. 8000. Short title.
Sec. 8001. Short title.
Sec. 8002. Voting on Indian lands.
Sec. 8003. Violations triggering authority of court to retain jurisdiction.
Sec. 8004. Criteria for coverage of States and political subdivisions.
Sec. 8005. Determination of States and political subdivisions subject to preclearance for covered practices.
Sec. 8006. Promoting transparency to enforce the Voting Rights Act.
Sec. 8007. Authority to assign observers.
Sec. 8008. Preliminary injunctive relief.
Sec. 8009. Definitions.
Sec. 8010. Bilingual election requirements.
Sec. 8011. Requiring declaratory judgment or preclearance as prerequisite for multiple Congressional redistricting plans enacted pursuant to same decennial census and apportionment of Representatives.
Sec. 8012. Other technical and conforming amendments.
Sec. 8013. Tribal voting consultation.
Sec. 8100. Short title.
Sec. 8101. Requiring availability of Internet for voter registration.
Sec. 8102. Use of Internet to update registration information.
Sec. 8103. Provision of election information by electronic mail to individuals registered to vote.
Sec. 8104. Clarification of requirement regarding necessary information to show eligibility to vote.
Sec. 8105. Effective date.
Sec. 8111. Automated voter registration.
Sec. 8112. List maintenance, privacy, and security.
Sec. 8113. Promoting accuracy of Statewide voter registration lists.
Sec. 8114. Definitions.
Sec. 8115. Effective date.
Sec. 8121. Same day registration.
Sec. 8122. Acceptance of voter registration applications from individuals under 18 years of age.
Sec. 8123. Annual reports on voter registration statistics.
Sec. 8131. Availability of requirements payments under HAVA to cover costs of compliance with new requirements.
Sec. 8141. Prohibiting hindering, interfering with, or preventing voter registration.
Sec. 8142. Establishment of best practices.
Sec. 8201. Requirements for States to promote access to voter registration and voting for individuals with disabilities.
Sec. 8202. Pilot programs for enabling individuals with disabilities to register to vote and vote privately and independently at residences.
Sec. 8203. Expansion and reauthorization of grant program to assure voting access for individuals with disabilities.
Sec. 8301. Voter caging and other questionable challenges prohibited.
Sec. 8302. Development and adoption of best practices for preventing voter caging.
Sec. 8303. Severability.
Sec. 8401. Prohibition on deceptive practices in Federal elections.
Sec. 8402. Modification of penalty for voter intimidation.
Sec. 8403. Sentencing guidelines.
Sec. 8404. Reporting violations; corrective action.
Sec. 8501. Rights of citizens.
Sec. 8502. Enforcement.
Sec. 8503. Notification of restoration of voting rights.
Sec. 8504. Definitions.
Sec. 8505. Relation to other laws.
Sec. 8506. Federal prison funds.
Sec. 8507. Effective date.
Sec. 8600. Short title.
Sec. 8601. Moratorium on acquisition of certain direct recording electronic voting systems and certain other voting systems.
Sec. 8602. Paper ballot and manual counting requirements.
Sec. 8603. Accessibility and ballot verification for individuals with disabilities.
Sec. 8604. Additional voting system requirements.
Sec. 8604. Effective date for new requirements.
Sec. 8611. Mandatory manual audits.
Sec. 8612. Availability of enforcement under Help America Vote Act of 2002.
Sec. 8613. Guidance on best practices for alternative audit mechanisms.
Sec. 8614. Clerical amendment.
Sec. 8701. Requirements for counting provisional ballots; establishment of uniform and nondiscriminatory standards.
Sec. 8801. Early voting and voting by mail.
Sec. 8901. Extending guarantee of residency for voting purposes to family members of absent military personnel.
Sec. 8902. Pre-election reports on availability and transmission of absentee ballots.
Sec. 8903. Enforcement.
Sec. 8904. Revisions to 45-day absentee ballot transmission rule.
Sec. 8905. Use of single absentee ballot application for subsequent elections.
Sec. 8906. Effective date.
Sec. 8911. Leave to serve as a poll worker for Federal employees.
Sec. 8912. Grants to States for poll worker recruitment and training.
Sec. 8913. Model poll worker training program.
Sec. 8914. State defined.
Sec. 8921. Enhancement of enforcement of Help America Vote Act of 2002.
Sec. 8931. Prohibition on campaign activities by chief State election administration officials.
Sec. 8932. Due process requirements for individuals proposed to be removed from list of eligible voters.
Sec. 8933. Mandatory response by Attorney General to allegations of voter intimidation or suppression by law enforcement officers and other government officials.
Sec. 8941. Treatment of Election Day in same manner as legal public holiday for purposes of Federal employment.
Sec. 8951. Requirements for availability of sufficient polling places, equipment, and resources.
Sec. 8952. Treatment of universities as voter registration agencies.
Sec. 8953. Requiring States to accept student identifications for purposes of meeting voter identification requirements.
Sec. 8954. Minimum notification requirements for voters affected by polling place changes.
Sec. 8955. Voter information response systems and hotline.
Sec. 8956. Reauthorization of election assistance commission.
Sec. 8957. Application of laws to Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands.
Sec. 8958. Repeal of exemption of Election Assistance Commission from certain government contracting requirements.
Sec. 8959. Permitting Election Assistance Commission to exercise rulemaking authority.
Sec. 8960. No effect on other laws.
Sec. 9001. Elimination of Federal contracts for privately run prisons within 3 years.
Sec. 9002. Prohibition on private entities running prisons housing State and local prisoners after 3 years.
Sec. 9003. Freedom of Information Act applicable for contract prisons.
Sec. 9004. Restrictions on the provision of inmate telephone and video service.
Sec. 9005. Federal prisoner reentry initiative reauthorization; modification of imposed term of imprisonment.
Sec. 9006. Reinstatement of parole.
Sec. 9007. Termination of detention bed quota.
Sec. 9008. Oversight of detention facilities.
Sec. 9009. Prerelease custody.
Sec. 9010. Purposes.
Sec. 9011. National solitary confinement study and reform commission.
Sec. 9012. Adoption and effect of national standards.
Sec. 9013. Definitions.
Sec. 10001. Repeal of suspension of eligibility under the Higher Education Act of 1965 for grants, loans, and work assistance for drug-related offenses.
Sec. 10002. Repeal of denial of assistance and benefits for certain drug-related convictions.
Sec. 10003. Prohibition on criminal history inquiries prior to conditional offer for Federal employment.
Sec. 10004. Prohibition on criminal history inquiries by contractors prior to conditional offer.
Sec. 10005. Report on employment of individuals formerly incarcerated in Federal prisons.
Sec. 10006. Penalty for unauthorized participation by convicted individual.
Sec. 10007. Lowering the age for expungement of certain convictions for simple possession of controlled substances by nonviolent young offenders.
Sec. 10008. Residence of incarcerated individuals.
Sec. 11001. Definitions of “intimate partner” and “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” expanded.
Sec. 11002. Unlawful sale of firearm to a person subject to court order.
Sec. 11003. List of persons subject to a restraining or similar order prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm expanded.
Sec. 11004. Stalking prohibitions.
Sec. 11005. Findings.
Sec. 11006. Research on mental health, gun violence, and how they intersect.
Sec. 11007. Report on effects of gun violence on public health.
Sec. 11008. Report on effects of gun violence on mental health in minority communities.
Here is as a PDF
Now comes on September 10th, 2019 the Congressional Black Caucus in commemoration on the 400 Years on the first Africans in the English Colonies
The 400 Years of African-American History Commission Act is a law signed into existence January 8th, 2018 by President Trump. It was celebrated on the anniversary (August 25th 2019) of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the English colonies. This commemoration was based on the US federal government recognized by law the 20 Africans who were brought to Old Point Comfort. We do not know if they were enslaved or indentured. Now comes the CBC with its event on September 10th 2019